Ladies O45 (League)
Sun 15 Sep 2024
Old Cranleighans O45s
Bromley and Beckenham Hockey Club
Ladies O45 (League)
Brombecks O45s women launch into the London League with positivity and enthusiasm

Brombecks O45s women launch into the London League with positivity and enthusiasm

Fran Saul-Georgel18 Sep - 07:05
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Brombecks O45s v Old Cranleighans O45s 15.9.24

It is a testament to the longevity of many members of the club that they continue or return to enjoy hockey well into their 40s, 50s, 60s…
Amazingly there are around 40 eligible members, playing across the club in all the women’s Saturday teams, although a significant proportion on any one week might be injured or resting, juggling family commitments or off to represent England in their respective age groups.

Anyway, we did briefly have 12 players available for Sunday’s match, but Rocky’s pulled hamstring a week before meant we were the bare 11. So we set off for new pastures at Thames Ditton, to meet Old Cranleighans for our first match in the London League, carrying aches, pains and strains from our Saturday friendlies.

First success, finding OC’s, and all 11 of us showing up on time! Having identified names and positions (and very much welcomed our two Cheam superstars bolstering our numbers) Dr Helen took us through an essential warm up and stretch, clearly necessary by the number of knee supports on show!

Second success, all making it to the first push-back. Now Masters Hockey is no sofa and slippers style of hockey. All the wile and competitiveness of our many combined decades was soon on display. OCs O45s have clearly played together before, whereas, this was our first outing together, but we certainly got stuck in, and within 5 minutes, Dr H’s shoulder had connected with the ball taking the wind out of her sails - and we all know she does not stop for much! Declaring it was just a bruise, and in any case without subs, she was soon up again, and play continued.

BromBecks held our own and with some smooth transitions, effective passing and penetrating play through the forwards won us three or four short corners before half time. Perhaps a lack of practice together meant we could not capitalise and at the turnaround, we were two goals down.

Positivity abounded, and we set about the second half with Jennie’s words ‘Goals will come’ ringing in our ears. OC’s effective team play meant we conceded one more before we earned another couple of short corners and Jennie was right, with a silky combination from Gill at the top, and Jenny put the ball firmly away. That euphoria of a goal in favour never fades and our tails were up.

With 12 minutes to go, Liz’s forehead connected with an OC’s stick, there was blood, a fair amount of concern, fortunately the cut was the extent of it, but we were down to 10. Now the lack of subs really told as legs tired, and despite Jenny filling in two roles, and Bernie and Sue pressurising up front, it was OCs who scored again from a short corner in the dying seconds.

Our reward for all our efforts was friendly post match banter, excellent teas, and the unanimity that this was a successful first O45s outing. Our scoreline might have said one thing, but the mood of the day is best summed up by our goalkeeper Ali who said, “I loved playing with you all today. It doesn’t matter about the scoreline, it’s about bringing people from across the whole club together to play the game we love.” Hear hear Ali.

If you are aged 43 by 31.12.25, and are interested in playing or finding our more about playing ladies O45s hockey please contact

Match details

Match date

Sun 15 Sep 2024



Meet time



Old Cranleighan Sport Club, Portsmouth Road, Thames Ditton KT7 0HB
Kit: White shirts & socks
Team overview
Further reading