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Juniors 2 of 9

2. Opening Notices for 2024-25 Season


Welcome to the new season!

After a summer of exciting hockey with Pro League and Olympic action, we hope that all our children are raring to go. We certainly are, offering hockey to our young players and having some fun along the way. The section continues to grow year on year with over 300 active junior players from U6s to U18s, striving for, and achieving, success and development, on and off the pitch. We've outlined all the main things to know about the Junior section of the Hockey Club below. But if you have any questions, please do contact us at It’s important that all parents, carers, guardians and children familiarise themselves with the junior code of conduct that can be found here.

The season starts on Sunday 1st September


  1. Coaching Team
  2. Key Club Contacts
  3. Welfare, Safeguarding and DBS
  4. Training
  5. Clothing and protection
  6. Club Kit
  7. Matches
  8. Player Registration
  9. Subscriptions
  10. Additional Coaching Provision
  11. Indoor Hockey
  12. Communication
  13. Volunteers

Coaching Team
We are very proud of our junior coaching team, blending overseas experience, with current and former adult 1s players, and at the younger ages, supported by our ‘young leaders’ programme. All linked by their desire to ensure the game is fun, enjoyable and played in the right spirit.

Introducing some of the key members of the team:

Ben Georgel
Ben is the newly appointed Director of Junior Hockey. An FIH level 2 coach, Ben will lead the Junior coaching programme and oversee much of the coaching aspects of the section. He will lead an age group, and oversee Sunday training, ensuring transparency and a consistent model for all. He will support our volunteer coaches, helping plan and deliver quality sessions, as well as overseeing the Elite Development programme, to be run midweek (see below in “additional coaching”.)

Martina Scollo
Martina is the Ladies 1s overseas player this year, joining us from Argentina. Having played Prem hockey in Buenos Aires, she played last season for a German Club in their Div 1. She will be tasked with supporting multiple age groups and delivering a heap of wisdom across the Girls section. She will be integral in supporting the transition of players from Junior to Senior hockey too.

Glenn Eyers
We are extremely fortunate to have secured Glenn onto the coaching team. Glenn joins from NZ, having played several seasons in the UK previously for Holcombe in the Prem League and competed in the EHL. Like Martina, Glenn will support several age groups and will be a great role model for many. It’s fantastic to have such talented players involved in our junior section
Our coaching team is, once again, truly outstanding - and a line up that few junior clubs can match. What is most impressive is not only the skill and knowledge that this team brings, but their desire to ensure the game is fun and enjoyable and brings out the best in our young players.

Key Club Contacts

(Interim) ChairNick
Membership AdministratorTina
Junior Director of HockeyBen

Click here for the full list of age group contact details

Welfare, Safeguarding and DBS

We’re pleased that Brendan Kearns and Jo Colby are continuing to provide the Welfare and Safeguarding role for the junior club. These are very important roles for the club. Anyone who has a concern regarding player welfare or safeguarding, please reach out confidentially to: All issues are treated with sensitivity and privacy. Katharine Hayward is our DBS administrator and works closely with coaches and managers to ensure we compliant with England Hockey best practice.


Our season starts on Sunday 1st September, with our final session taking place on Sunday 7th April.

Almost all our training sessions and home matches take place on Sundays at either

  • Langley Park School for Girls pitch (at the north of the site next to the car park)

  • or the Langley Park School for Boys pitch (south along the lane) (dry weather parking only)
  • Click here for details of our season dates and training slots.
    Training takes place at different times and pitches depending on the age group.

    There will be no training sessions on Sunday 27th October and Sunday 16th February, due to school half term breaks, in line with the EH Calendar.

    All coaching is undertaken by coaches who are suitably DBS checked and qualified to work with young people.

    The Lead Coaches for each group work closely with our newly appointed Director of Hockey, ensuring that sessions are planned and fit for purpose.

    Clothing and protection

  • Players should be suitably clothed for all coaching sessions and matches – shorts / skirt / skort / tracksuit trousers + suitable shirt / sweatshirt / fleece.

  • Training doesn’t usually stop for rain, so a lightweight waterproof is an important piece of kit

  • Shin guards are essential, and all players are strongly advised to wear a mouth guard

  • Trainers, even if not specially designed for astroturf should have a good grip and laces should be tied up sufficiently tightly so as to support the foot and help get a good grip on the pitch.

  • A limited number of sticks are available to borrow, but you should bring your own stick if you have one.

  • We are happy to advise as to what weight and length of stick is suitable.

  • We are always delighted for children to try out goalie kit and we can provide both training and kit to use.
  • Club Kit
    Our club kit partner is Hawkinsport. All the Club kit can be found and purchased on our dedicated portal here and is delivered directly to your home address. here . Anyone playing matches for the junior club should have a white playing shirt. Other club training kit is available to purchase as well. U12 age groups and below should order shirts from the junior range. U14s and above should order adult shirts, where an allotted ‘Club’ number will be given by the supplier

    Bromley and Beckenham Junior Hockey Club is affiliated to the London Region of England Hockey, and we usually run two 11- a- side teams in each age group at U14s and above - both Tier 2 and Tier 3. Minis and juniors up to U12s play shorter formats and smaller pitches. Your age group manager will provide more information about league and cup fixtures. All players from the U14 age group and above need to be registered with the club on England Hockey’s ‘GMS’ system. Go to this webpage to register

    Player Registration
    All children, whether members or trying the club / sport out, must be registered via our Pitchero portal here This is separate to the England Hockey registration. Parent details (including date of birth) must be completed first and then a child account added to the parent account. The parental date of birth is used to validate whether emails can be sent (U16s can’t get emails directly from club representatives.)

    Subscriptions start at £145 for the season. Sibling and volunteering discounts are available. Click here for full details]. Any child is welcome to give the sport or the club a try for up to 2 sessions without commitment, but every child trying out needs to be registered (as above) All club payments must be made electronically through our club site – all available ‘products’ can be found here . For any questions regarding subscriptions please contact

    Additional Coaching Provision

    Elite Development - Academy
    (Boys & Girls) We will once again be offering a development group that will train midweek. This is by invitation and will be run by Ben Georgel and supported by first team players. An excellent opportunity for the boys and girls to get first rate coaching from high-quality coaches. This will be run on an 8-week basis, 3 times across the season. We will be looking to start this from October and run through to late November. Selections and invitations will be done in early October.

    Specialist Session – Goalkeeping Our very popular goalkeeper sessions will be running once more this year. The numbers for these sessions are limited, but if you are a GK and are interested – please contact

    One to One Coaching Sessions The club is again offering one to one training sessions to any club member. These will be with one of our elite coaches (Juan, Ben, Glenn or Martina) and represent a great opportunity to really improve those skills with some dedicated pitch time. There will be a cost to the sessions, but if you are interested, please don’t hesitate to drop us a line at

    Indoor Hockey

    This year we will offering indoor hockey across the board. The sessions will be run by Glenn Eyers who has represented NZ indoors. This will be charged at an additional cost to cover the cost of hiring the indoor hall. More details will be shared, once the season has started.


    Pitchero is the key method for communication allowing age group managers to contact parents, load training details, track availability and share match details and selection. The club committee also use the platform to share important notices and information. Some managers also use WhatsApp groups as a back up to Pitchero. We encourage all our parents to download and use the Pitchero app here We aim to host a parents’ meeting in September, to share what we are doing and where we are going. It will be held online cover from finances to our desired road map. Please keep an eye out on the invite once circulated via Pitchero.


    We continue to be a volunteer led club and involvement of parents is key to the development of the section and we always need your help, however small. In particular we’d love to hear from people interested in these roles: • Age group managers (no specific hockey experience is needed). To work alongside lead coaches to organise and support the fixtures allocated by London Hockey. • Assistant coaches – hockey experience useful, but not necessary up to U12s. • Social secretaries. • Umpiring. • Sponsorship / fundraising. • Registration duty - supporting age group managers on Sundays
    Click here for details of discounts available

    Contact Ian Dinwiddy for information about the nature of the roles ------------

    Finally, and in summary, we would like to wish you an enjoyable season of hockey and look forward to seeing you around the pitches in the coming weeks and months.

    Thanks, Nick Bluett
    on behalf of BromBecks HC Junior Committee